Skinny Paty Jeans from Mango 的Petite 繫帶九分褲,推出優質面料打造的九分剪裁長褲,配以褲頭繫帶設計,設計簡約時尚。 - 聚酯混紡 - 彈性腰圍 - 直筒設計 - 標準裁剪 - 無內襯
- May 30 Mon 2016 15:41
精選優惠【ZALORA】Petite 繫帶九分褲
- May 30 Mon 2016 14:58
If your idea of a basic wear includes a comfortable cami, ZALORA COLLECTION's version of the must-have essential is a pretty one. Gorgeously pleated to create texture on the dual-tone top, this particular cami comes with adjustable shoulder straps, so it sits nicely on where you prefer it to be. - Polyester- Scoop neckline- Sleeveless- Adjustable shoulder straps- Slip-on style- Relaxed fit- Inner lining
- May 30 Mon 2016 13:53
Keep your cash and cards close to you in New Look approved style. Blessed with a sassy appearance that will certainly lend a punch of confidence to your image, this slim number is not only gorgeous but plenty convenient as well. It houses multiple compartments for your organising needs.- Polyurethane- Magnetic button fastening- 8 card slots- 2 bill slots- 2 receipt slots- 1 pocket slot- 1 zippered coin compartment
- May 30 Mon 2016 01:31
精選優惠【ZALORA】Antica 尖頭繞踝高跟鞋
ALDO 的Antica 尖頭繞踝高跟鞋,採經典復古風尖頭設計,配有印花細節及細跟高跟鞋底,設計時尚優雅。 - 聚氨酯鞋面 - 尖形鞋頭 - 輕便穿套設計,有繞踝帶 - 聚氨酯鞋墊 - 人造材質鞋底
- May 30 Mon 2016 01:01
MISSGUIDED 的高領連身七分褲,高領短袖衣身,配以七分寬管褲,是簡約復古風的時尚款式首選。 - 聚酯混紡 - 高領 - 短袖 - 隱形後拉鍊設計 - 貼身裁剪 - 無內襯
- May 30 Mon 2016 00:24
River Island 拼色貼身連身裙,其設計受後現代主義蒙德里安式的影響,採拼色的抽象設計,把抽象藝術融入時尚穿著。 - 彈性聚酯纖維 - 圓領 - 無袖 - 貼身裁剪 - 無內襯
- May 29 Sun 2016 23:06
精選優惠【ZALORA】Love 扇貝下擺直筒連身裙
ZALORA 的Love 扇貝下擺直筒連身裙,採經典的直筒裙裁剪,搭配簡約的扇貝下擺,非常鄰家女孩的單品。- 聚酯纖維- 圓領- 無袖- 拉鍊設計- 寬鬆裁剪- 無內襯
- May 29 Sun 2016 22:12
RIVER ISLAND 流蘇細肩帶上衣,基本款細肩帶上衣,有挖背設計,搭配流蘇點綴,是百搭的時尚單品。 - 聚酯纖維 - V 領 - 無袖 -寬鬆裁剪 - 有內襯
- May 29 Sun 2016 19:08
Mango 的拼色中腰短裙,善於運用色塊設計,配以經典中腰,是休閒百搭的不二之選。尺碼偏大,建議選購小一尺碼- 純棉?- 鈕扣和拉鍊開襟- 中腰設計- A 字裙裁剪- 無內襯
- May 29 Sun 2016 16:40
精選優惠【ZALORA】V 領風景設計TEE
Turquoise V Neck Graphic Tee by Kools Tees features a casual design with a super cool illustration that is made up of contrasting colours.- Cotton blend- Short sleeves- Regular fit- Unlined